Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Visiting Diana in Boise, ID!!
Mylene and I flew up to Boise, ID last Friday to visit Diana, Gilles and Eric in their new house and new home in Boise! It was good to see her, it's been over a year since we saw them! Their home is beautiful, warm and inviting! Diana prepared a wonderful rib dinner for us and we started to chat and catch up like a bunch of teenagers!
The next day, she made us a breakfast of chorizo,eggs and potatoes - she's an awesome cook and it was very tasty! The three of us bundled up for our girl's day out! We went to downtown Boise and toured around. We parked and took a picture next to the state capitol building (currently under construction, but just as prominent as ever). We saw some white tarps on one of the streets and went towards a Saturday street fare of vendors, artisans and craftsmen. It was wonderful to stroll through it, meet and talk to people about the wares and products.
There was one lady that sold little fresh made donuts with sugar and cinnamon - man, they were absolutely sinful and tasted like heaven! We stopped off a local coffee shop, it was warm to both Mylene and myself, but way too hot for Diana. We drank our coffees outside. I had a Mexican mocha (coffee with chocolate, cinnamon and a hint of nutmet) which certainly hit the spot!
We were deciding on which movie to see, but that didn't pan out. Instead, like true Californians, we hit the new shopping development in downtown and had a blast. There were lots of bargains (thanks to the approaching holiday season) and tax is nothing compared to what we pay here. Both Mylene and I were able to walk away with some outfits. I have to admit, I wasn't feeling too well, my digestive system, which started to go off-track on Thursday, was starting to give me some problems (and some abdominal pains). I decided to weather this through.
Night was on us so quickly, we decided to find some dinner. We happened upon a restaurant/bar called Pair. One of the sales ladies mentioned it to us. The atmosphere was a.. classy chic - it was perfect! It's akin to an American-style tapas place. They had killer martinis. We had the French Tickler and the Tai Mai martinis. We shared their Northwestern plate which had Tempura salmon, clams, crabcake and Chevre cheese with a delicious apricot topping. Rachel Ray would say: "Yum-mo!!"
We spent a few hours there just talking and catching up with each other's lives. We're laughing at each other's stories and just... having a ball. As the night wore on, it started to get noisier in the restaurant/bar. When the DJ started to play really loud music... well, it was time to leave. LOL, "Man," we thought, "we are old!"
We came out of the restaurant, just as a group of young men came out of the bar next door. We heard one of them say, "Hey...hello, how are you guys." I laughed because Diana and Mylene just ignored them and kept walking. Another guy said in his most Italian, New York, Joey-from-Friends accent, "How YOU doin'??!" I smiled back and replied, "Great!" but kept walking as well. Both of them laughed and Diana asked, "We're they just flirting with us??" I proceeded to mimic their obliviousness while I showed them how I batted my eyes and smiled back to them. We hard a good roaring laugh as we climbed into Diana's mini-van. We were truly styling now!
On the way back, I asked Diana to stop by store so that I could pick up some medicine to help with the pain. We stopped by an empty store with only two teenagers who I spied were trying to shoplift and stick something in their pants. I just shook my head and looked the other way. We drove back to the house, stopping by an already closed Starbucks. Once at home, Diana convinced us to play Scene It...and am happy to report that my competitive streak is alive and well and that I won the game! Much to both their general dismay. Well, it was all in good fun!
Our last morning found us making crepes.. and letting Gilles sleep in for once. We had a good time as I showed them the crepe-making technique I learned just a week before. They turned out very good... well, almost all of them. See video above. For lunch, Diana prepared a wonderful artichoke heart and mushroom dish and a herb grilled chicken salad. It was absolutely delicious!! We had our last meal before having to pack up and leave. We even got to meet Diana's very sweet neighbor.
Goodbyes are hard, but I tend to think of this as... until we meet again. It was as if no time has passed. We've known each other for over 30 years. We've seen each other through good times and bad and we're SO thankful for every minute we get to spend with each other. There is no comparison to a lifelong friend. For this, I am truly grateful for their friendship, their compassion and understanding and for the love I always feel in their presence. Diana and Mylene, my friends-with-seniority, here's to the both of you!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
State of the Mind
I woke up today feeling... blah. As a woman, well.. basically as 'Jenny', I am predisposed to (over)analyzing the events of this weekend, what was said, how it was said, who said it... and well, it left me feeling already drained.
I looked up at the white ceiling as questions started to pummel my brain: Do I have enough warm clothes for Boise? Why do I feel like I'm doing all the work in this relationship? Should I pass by Trader Joe's for Diana's citrus liquor that she's wanting? Who will apply with me for Amazing Race 13? Do I really have only $15 in my checking?? Why is Cingular double charging my air card?!
...there really is something to the "mad scientist" theory. Folks, without my Franklin Planner, I would be in jail. I know it.
OK, so I didn't feel like getting up. No motivation, nada. Somehow, like the consultant-robot in me switched on. I got out of bed and walked to window and put aside the heavy curtains. Ah, mists on the bay... distant airplanes slowly lumber along SFO like big bugs searching for passengers.
I have a lot of itty bitty work to do and just have to punch through it. I am writing this blog because I feel that motivation actually begins with hope. Hope that the day will get better, the week will fly by, I will be with my friends and the three muskateers will tear up Boise! The holidays and days off will be here... Hawaii is not that far off.
Hope is the key.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Ok, enjoy some fun photos. Here's a few pics from Halloween...
My nephews: Brando (Tiger) and Rocco (chicken?)
My Godchild Elisa (lil' devil) and her big brother, Nicola - both from Paris (When the heck did the French take up Halloween??)
.. and finally, my friend Nancy (cowgirl) and me (Pocahontas) at the PBDA dance: