Thursday, January 13, 2005

Recap: 2004 Resolutions and How I Did

Wow! Time is flying by!! It's that time for new year's resolutions.
Wonder how I did in my with my 2004? Let's see...

  1. Get Scuba certified - Nope, but did go for the first time in St. Martin in the Caribbean. What a scary experience... not for the faint of heart!
  2. Get a slice of Damiano's sausage pizza in Los Angeles - Nope. Sheesh, the easiest one of all and didn't even do it.. ok, carry over.
  3. Kayak La Jolla Cove - Nope. Dang it!! More of a wish list. I guess.
  4. Invest again Disneyland passport - Yes!! Hey, it's the happiest place on Earth!!
  5. Continue this year's resolution of be a better Follow - I think so...
  6. Continue the Chick Day tradition - Nope, was too.. busy? lazy?
  7. Be kind to animals and Users of Peoplesoft Applications - Well I tried..
  8. Visit one new country - Yes and four of them too: St. Thomas, St. Martin, Trinidad and Tobego! (I also went back to the UK and Paris to visit my buds, Emma and Imee)
  9. Lose weight?? %^&* that!! Nah, just ate what I wanted and just found creative ways to work it off. ;)
  10. Appreciate Friends and Family - Yes, definitely!

That's not too good... I only accomplished half. Yikes!

Ok, time to get the 2005 List going.. you too!


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