
I really didn't have the time (or money) to take a trip this year. I was bummed to have turned down invites from my girly friends to join them in Pueto Rico, London and Paris. (The UK/France trip I've done religiously every year for the last 5 years!!) However, I think heartbreaks fuel and ignite my basic yearnings for traveling and exploration. The desire for change of scenery burns bright when my heart suddenly finds itself alone.
For those who know me there are two things I usually do when I break it off with someone. 1) Buy a Coach bag to mark the occasion and 2) run fast and far, far away to a another country. This time I'll be heading to Sydney, Australia.
I booked it online today for just $85 and by burning a rather large amount of hard-earned miles. I will be visiting my friends Anna and Edoaurd, the same ones who graciously hosted me in Cairo. They will only be in Sydney until next February, afterwhich they will move to Geneva, Switzerland. I figured now is as good as time as any, it being summer down under. This will help with my annual resolution of visiting one country per year. (Thanks for copying that John - you got it from me...)
It's summer there and I look forward to the warm weather. I look forward to beaches and getting some surfing in. They are also booking domestic flights for us to travel to the heartland, Ululu, to visit and/or hike Ayers Rock.
As always I'll send links to photos. Because of my hectic work schedule, I'll only be a week. With this trip, I should be able to tick off a few things in my book of "1000 Places To See Before You Die."
G'day mates!!
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